About Us

Built NKO - Built the best.
If you've ever visited Maui, Hawai'i you might have come across 2 things:
- Hawaiians LOVE their Tacomas/trucks.
- The phrase "No Ka 'Oi", which means "the best".
Hawaii is where we drove our first Tacoma, and where we fell in love with trucks. It's what led us to where we are today! When it comes to replacement grilles, it can be difficult trying to find a part that fits correctly without any modifications needed. Additionally, we didn’t want to drop $400+ on grilles specifically. Having had first hand experience dealing with this issue ourselves, we were determined to find a quality product that not only fit correctly, but was affordable. These have been tested on our own trucks, friends trucks, and locals trucks for months. We felt it was only right to start offering our products nationwide + bring you guys some of the best quality grilles on the market at competitive pricing!